Monday, January 16, 2012

"Mai yi vum donfairs?"

Delays happen; one of those delays can be in the form of my nephew. While I attempt to write my blog I hear the pitter patter of my three year old nephew calling, "May I come downstairs?" Which actually sounded more like, "Mai yi vum donfairs?" With a grin of resignation I allowed him to come down, but by the time we went back up, my frown was turned upside down.

My father works every day. Not only to ensure his own survival, but my mother's my sister's my small nephew's, and even mine. On top of that he spend much time in contact with his other children, giving them advice, praying for them, and hoping for their success; from where does this devotion stem?

With a start I cry, my heart jumps inside,
The dream so real; then the children cry. 
Waking from my lumbering sleep I pray,
That God doesn't take me away today.
With heavy footfalls I  will trod downstairs,
And though I consider sleep, I'll apply such
Ministering care to what's been given,
While admonishing selfish desire;
Though, were truth told, I'd say that I, so cold,
Feeling as though frost were stuck to my skin,
Am as ready to fall down from fatigue
As this child I do minister to.
Though self desire says such is sorrow,
Such sorrow is lost in the joy borrowed.

To be specific about what is said in the above poem, working is often what we make of it; literally what we take it to be, which is either work or play. When we work it is often with a resignation, a feeling of judgement lies heavy upon us; that feeling has always been there since the day we were banished from Eden and asked to toil, with labor and sweat, for the land's fruits. But the heart still remains, and as such, the heart is more often than not ignored while the head is given free reign to do what needs to be done; it must be granted that without such pressure what would man do?

Now for a bit of philosophy. This is from a book called "Star Wars and Philosophy.

"Rather than localizing the mind, "Let it fill up the whole body, let it flow throughout the totality of your being...Let it go all by itself, freely and unhindered and uninhibited. When the mind is nowhere, that is, when it does not stop at any location, it is everywhere."-- Kevin Decker, and Jason Eberl.

By allowing our mind to be everywhere, insomuch as it is no limited by our own prejudices or self interests, we are capable of answering by the heart, and not limiting ourselves to the head. 

Ultimately, the worst enemy is ourselves insomuch as we say "I don't want this now, I want this now." It is only by recognizing what we must do at this moment, at this time, and doing it, that we obtain joy; whereas by rejecting a good standing right in front of us merely because it is not what we want at this moment, is likely to lead to sorrow.  

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